
Learning for the expanding age
of humanity

The marriage of technology and learning is fast changing the rules of the learning game. The free and ready access to the wealth of information in the digital era has changed the role of the teacher as a source of information to a facilitator who directs and nudges the learner in the right direction and helps them explore the content for the learner to derive meaning and construct knowledge. With the immense potential of boundless social learning, blended and mobile learning, situational and experiential learning comes the slippery slope of being blind-sighted by the glitter of these technological advances. It is important to be cautious about letting the goals and objectives of learning inform the conditions and experience of the learning program.
KS model strives to exploit the potential of technology to meet the fundamental goal of ‘Transfer’ of learning.

How would a car technician learn about the concept of "Torque Transfer" in a manual transmission better—by reading about it or watching it functioning while reading about it? This is what KS deems meaningful employment of immersive technology. Whether it’s AR, VR, MR, Adaptive, Collaborative, sophisticated Multiplayer Gaming, Bots, or NLP bots, at KS, technology follows learning objectives.
“Learners in the internet age don’t need more information. They need to know how to efficiently use the massive amount of information available at their fingertips – to determine what’s credible, what’s relevant, and when it’s useful to reference.”

- Anna Sabramowicz
Next Art Media Engagement
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