Art Media Engagement

The enrichment


Arts have been as old as humanity itself. The prominence of arts in human existence is evident in the ancient remains across the world, from the caves of Ajanta to the Egyptian carvings. Humans, from time immemorable, have used art as a form of expression of ideas and emotions. Ellen Dissanayake, a bio-evolutionary scholar, insists that the role of arts is similar to that of language in the development and survival of the human species. The connection of arts with human intellect and affect, thus, is indisputable.

Researchers have consistently found a positive correlation between the arts and learner engagement. Aside from the obvious and practical purpose of art media in illustrating abstract concepts, depicting nuance, and boosting content relatability for the learner, arts stimulate brain activity and capture the viewer’s attention. Thus, engaging the learner on a cognitive as well as emotional level. An engaged learner implies a learner who is physically, emotionally, and intellectually invested in the learning program. Needless to say, such a learner is highly probable to transfer learning from a well-designed program.

However, caution must be exercised while the use of art media in learning programs. Flashy graphics and funny videos only capture the learner’s attention on a temporary and superficial level. Moreover, they are actually detrimental to the achievement of learning goals as they drive the attention away from the conceptual material, occupying short-term (working) memory space and, therefore, causing attention overload on the learner’s working memory.

KS model relies on purposeful employment of art to harness the synergy between art and human learning mechanisms and enhance the effectiveness of learning programs manifold.
“The systems they (Arts) nourish, which include our integrated sensory, attentional, cognitive, emotional, and motor capacities, are, in fact, the driving forces behind all other learning.”

Eric Jensen

Author of Arts with the Brain in Mind

art media engagement
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