#Crypto-secured learning

Academic fraud being a grim reality world of the education system today, a transparent and open data exchange protocol, that is the Blockchain technology, is a welcomed innovation. Blockchain’s strength comes from decentralization and immutability. Secured by “Hash”— a cryptographic signature and consensus-based authorization through ‘proof of work’, ‘Proof of Stake’, or ‘Smart Contracts’; Blockchain enables the universities and employers to unanimously recognize the certificates, protecting colleges’ and students’ interests and preventing litigation cost.

Knowledge Synonyms recognizes the immense potential of Blockchain to impact the education space much beyond the certification system. It fosters the paradigm shift of more fluid, interactive, and learner-centered learning environments, by providing a secured and accountable network for participants to share ideas.

Blockchain’s tracking mechanism not only helps track for accountability but also feeds the AI engine to provide personalized learning paths and experiences, making the process of learning more meaningful and productive.


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